June 17, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024, AGM Reminder

Dear Residents of Summerside

The SSRA AGM is fast approaching. The BOD and GM look forward to seeing you there. We will be returning to an in-person meeting this year and adding an online video option for residents to attend, and fully participate https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMldeGoqzsjH9bvum-Ic7PLZMaeUuy4f5oF

REMINDER: To attend the AGM members must pre-register by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Details on how to pre-register can be accessed on our website at:
www.lakesummerside.ca > About Us > AGM > 2023 AGM Pre-Registration

It will be our first AGM in person since it was moved fully online in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. Our clubhouse is not quite big enough to accommodate everyone. If you are not registered and confirmed to attend in person, we encourage you to attend online. We have also returned the AGM to its historical June date. For those of you who have not attended an in-person AGM or online before, I would like to share with you the process of the AGM and what will happen after the AGM. After the AGM, the Operations Team and the BOD will hold an information session and update the membership on operations and governance work completed since our last AGM in November 2023. After the information session, the New Board to assemble and conduct its first order of business.

PART I) The Annual General Meeting – The purpose of an AGM is to conduct a year-end review of the financials, approve the Auditor for the 2024 fiscal year, approve bylaw changes, and elect the Directors. This year’s agenda was posted in the AGM package. This is a very formal legal process that requires strict adherence to bylaws, and procedures.

PART II) The information and Q&A session – 30-45 minutes

The SSRA GM, BOD, and guests will present updates to the membership on current and future projects.
– Operational Topics will include – Capital projects, community programs, lake management
– Governance topics will include – Strategic plan updates, bylaw reform, policy updates, and new -Committees formed
– Current and future challenges
– Community survey results

The office has received a number of inquiries over the past year. We. have summarized them below and do our best to answer them during the information session.
1. Enforcing Rules, regulations and architectural controls – How are we doing it?
2. Lake Management – How are we managing water quality and biodiversity?
3. Process of Financial Planning – What does a typical budget look like?
4. What types of programs are you going to offer?
5. Infrastructure repairs and maintenance – Why are things breaking so much?
6. Communication – Where can I get information?

We are excited to see everyone at our first hybrid AGM. It is very important to register for online attendance as well. Please log in 15 minutes early so the scrutineers can confirm your identity to vote.

See you all soon!

Ryan Devlin
President – Chair